Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hisega Lodge

Our home away from home in South Dakota was the Hisega Lodge. It was nestled in the Black Hills in a little town founded in 1908. Originally built along a railroad track as a retreat for 6 ladies, the current owners have added some modern amenities and created a breathtaking retreat. Rapid Creek serenaded us to sleep each night. The scrumptious breakfasts offered tasteful sustenance to face a day of stony presidents and wildlife viewing The friendly lodgers and owners provided for a comfortable and uplifting experience. From 7 guests, to 17 guests, one never felt out of place or isolated. Conversation was easy and the environment promoted interaction and camaraderie. A better setting for relaxation, stimulation, and contemplation could not be found elsewhere.
Being new to the B and B scene, Dad found his niche at the morning breakfasts. He delved into easy converations with whomever happened to occupy the seat adjacent to him. The rustic setting along with the congenial hosts offered him just the energy he needed to feel as if he had a come home. I even heard him say he could get used to such an environment.

Rapid Creek just feet from the lodge moved in a flowing symphony. Fish were plentiful as witnessed by the catch of a Witchita Falls lodger. Birds began their arias as the sun crescendoed into a warming invitation to meet the day. Sounds so uncommon in a city atmosphere frequently caused dad to ask, "what's that noise?" and lead to chuckles as he realized that nature was offering a salutation.

There is nothing like pulling away from the demands of daily life and jumping feet first into a world of wonders perfectly orchestrated by the God of all. There is nothing more engaging than to observe others noticing the gifts offered by the Lord of Love and exclaiming with joy and awe as their senses become more attune to His creation.
Watch and hear, for He will not disappoint!!

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