Saturday, July 10, 2010

Leavenworth, WA

While we resided at the Sleeping Lady Mountain Resort, we availed ourselves of the Bavarian arrayed town of Leavenworth. Accordion playing pop singers, Manitou Springs like shops and more than a handful of German restaurants made for a unique stay. Not one billboard or business sign protruded above the trees. In fact, all signage, including the corner convenience store, was crafted in an old world wooden style. Each turn of the head brought lush flowering baskets into view. And, never far from sight were the Cascade Mountains.

On our last night at the resort, we made feeble attempts to play horseshoes. The rules were dismissed and multiple tries were had. I narrowly avoid tossing the shoe directly above my head. Mom showed amazing athletic form and Dad caused several horseshoes to hit the peg, but never ring them. I guess the Camarano clan just isn't designed to be expert tossers of equine foot apparel.

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