Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day before...

Dad and Mike (salesperson)
Carrier installation

Wednesday was full. I took the car in for an oil change and a tire rotation. Due to Dad's urging, we also took the cargo carrier in to be installed fully expecting to pay for the service. Needless to say, that was a good call. It took the technician a good hour to figure out the best process to get the thing mounted on my crossbars. In fact, he had to call in a floor manager to guide him through the process. Apparently, the cargo carriers are so big that the parts department does not keep them in stock. If a customer wishes to purchase one, it is taken off of a showroom model, thus the unit is already put together. After asking many questions, learning about the history of Heuberger Subaru and the owners, meeting the salesperson who sold me the car in the first place and hovering around the service bay in order the understand how to remove the carrier upon our return from our jaunt to the northwest, Dad increased his repertoire of knowledge and was confident he no longer had to feel threatened about potentially traveling in the carrier on his worst days. (The carrier can only handle 100 pounds.)

We did some last minute shopping to increase the size of our snack stash (thus we had to reserve a prime spot in the back of the car for the carb hoard), completed laundry and ironing, and prepared dinner for family and a friend. It was a delightful evening with great conversation and a touching prayerful send off.

Anticipation got the better of me and I had difficulty sleeping. This is the first time I have been completely packed the night before a big summer adventure. It was an abnormal act that made me feel unsettled. Ironic how the thing I wish to improve upon, getting things completed at least one day before they are due, actually generated a sense of discomfort. Who knew I found procrastination a "soothing" trait.

Hitting the road tomorrow!!

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