Thursday, July 8, 2010

Laundry Day

Week 1, laundry had to be done in Dickinson, ND. Dad kept stating that he had never been in a laundromat. He seemed to be jazzed about working as a team in such a setting. Amidst the humidity and oil rig workers attempting to remove the spots from their rank clothes stored in large garbage bags, it was humorous to see the parents racing to load their coins and push the start button. See Dad trying to get the upper hand by eyeing Mom's actions. Notice Mom claiming victory before she pushed the start button. By the end of the 2 and 1/2 hour experience, Mom and Dad had perfectly folded clothes sets stored in 2 gallon bags and I looked like a vagabond carting my belongings in a makeshift grocery bag. The only thing I was missing was the stick and stubble.

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