Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sleeping Lady Mountain Resort

Sitting on the Grotto Bar patio with Mom, she mentioned the dichotomy of old skills versus new. She, hand quilting a Hawaiian applique and me using Dad's computer to update the blog. Per comments from one of Mom's friends, I am aware that it has been a while since my last update. Time gets away from me very quickly and I find myself wrestling with the dilemma of experiencing the trip or documenting it. Thankfully, I have at least 450 pictures to help me remember the events and some of the thoughts.

With the man-made waterfall and the chirping birds in the background, it is easy to be thankful for the peace and beauty that God generously provides. This entire trip has been full of lessons that can so easily be overlooked in the busyness of the travel process. Tempers can flare, patience quickly wanes and humor diminishes as the miles loom ahead of us. Yet, God is quick to offer a salient point to those who are open to such guidance. No one is perfect excepting Jesus and we all have some level of agenda. I am realizing how much I do not give to God. It is quite humbling as I recognize my imperfections and begin to grasp the concept that God wants all things lifted up to Him, not just the big things.

Within the close quarters and during the long distances, we also begin to understand that each of us have differing levels of relaxation. As pictured above, some of us find it a nice respite to sit back and be in the realm of nature while passing time creating something or just breathing. Others express an intense desire to "veg" once we get to a destination designed for a longer stay only to plan most of each day and accomplish tasks. That has been an interesting one to balance and negotiate. Yet, God has given me a mother who is a great ping pong player and knows how to masterfully help everyone see things from a differing perspective. I don't know how many times she has told me, "Don't let it bother you." Very wise words that are difficult to implement when you are such a controlling person. Like I said, this has been humbling.
Both of my parents are exceedingly generous and loving. This trip has been a great awakening for me with regards to how smart, clever, funny and quirky my parents are. Not a day goes by without a little laughter. Sometimes the guffawing is so extreme that a pit stop becomes a necessity. Great memories, thrilling experiences, genuine warmth and healing laughter are all such uplifting gifts.
For more information about Sleeping Lady Mountain Resort, check out their website or Dad's blog.

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